Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Last week was a lazy cooking week, since a trip to Costco meant a wealth of pre-prepared foods. I know, I know, I'm so lazy.... But the prawn dumplings are just so good!

What I did make though, on Sunday night, was a big ole batch of nachos. And what goes really well with nachos, aside from ridiculous amounts of cheese?  Guacamole.  I've been told my guacamole is yum, so I've decided to share my recipe.  The secret is to change the ingredients around depending on your mood. It's a very tricky science :D  This recipe is for 1 avocado, since that usually makes more than enough guac for two people... but if you want more... just double, or etc the recipe.

1 Avocado (slightly squishy)
1-2 cloves garlic
olive oil
salt & pepper
Fresh lime or lemon juice (pref lime)
ground cumin
coriander leaves (best if fresh)
  1. Peel and coarsely chop the garlic, place in a small microwave-safe bowl or dish, cover with olive oil, and microwave on high for 15-30 seconds (I use 22s).  This takes the bite out of the garlic by cooking it a little.
  2. Peel avocado and remove seed. Mix with garlic.
  3. Squeeze 1-2 teaspoons fresh lemon or lime juice onto mixture.
  4. Season with a dash of salt, pepper, cumin, cayenne, paprika, coriander.
  5. Other seasonings that can be good - thyme, dill, hot chilli, garam masala, peri-peri, tabasco.
  6. Mix with all ingredients together and let sit for 10-30 minutes to release the flavours.
I don't add much spice to this, and I don't measure it - just you know, shake a little on. Very exact recipe :)  The other trick to making a good guacamole is not to mix it too much. You want it to have some texture - I mix mine with a fork until just combined essentially.  

Shortly after making dinner on Sunday night, I came across the following article which recommends grilling avocadoes. That sounds like it would add a lovely dimension of flavour to the guac. Or result in things being burnt.  It's very much up in the air at this point:

Coming up soon: Maple roasted pumpkin and cranberry salad and... chocolate filled biscuits.

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