Saturday, August 20, 2011

Make Me A Damn Sandwich

Hey, you know what I don't have recipes for? Sandwiches.  Who the hell needs a recipe to make a sandwich?  Take bread or bread substitute. Add fillling. Put in mouth. Done.

Boyfriend just made fun of me here saying "You just gave someone a recipe for making a sandwich".  Then he laughed at me.

Sarcasm aside, this little blog simply provides a place for me to share some new and old recipes of mine with you lovely people on the internets.

Enjoy, share, comment, eat, whatever.

Fun fact: yes, there will actually be recipes of sandwiches. Because they're fun.


  1. you forgot the condiments for the sandwich so tell boyfriend you did NOT give a sandwich recipe.

  2. I dunno, don't condiments fall under the category of 'filling'?

    He says: "You can have a sandwich without condiments. Like a really bad ham sandwich."

  3. bwahaha... I don't consider them filling because they are either the first thing put on or a last minute add...

    and tell boyfriend that bad ham sandwiches are bad because they didn't follow a recipe ;-)
